Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chicken Pesto Pizza

This week has been a bit challenging with family matters, and so instead of selecting a new recipe to try, I made one of our favorites that my husband created after I stopped eating tomatoes (and tomato sauce) cold turkey. I love pizza, and this helped quench my taste for a good slice. We make it for friends and family all the time, and it's a crowd pleaser! The best part is when Monkey 1 helps "decorate the pizza" with all of the ingredients. ;)

Pillsbury or Boboli pizza dough
Rotisserie chicken, shredded
Refigerated pesto sauce
Spinach leaves
Mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese

1. Place the dough on a cookie sheet or pizza pan, and spread pesto sauce. We usually only use half the container per crust.

2. Add the shredded chicken.

3. Add the spinach leaves.

4. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese. We also usually add a touch of parmasan.

5. Bake according to dough directions, and enjoy!

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